Monday 9 June 2014

Unit 72 Computer Games Design


Task 1 

Game Trailer
Gameplay Footage


Elder scrolls V: Skyrim is a game is which to take the place of a nameless hero that is thrown into Skyrim after trying to make his escape, whilst escaping the imperial army captures him thinking he is one of the Stormcloack rebels. As you progress through the land of Skyrim your character comes across many themes such as fear happiness and hope he portrays these themes through the missions that you complete and the little tasks that you under take by helping people live there lives, also by joining factions and armies you can save the land of Skyrim and bring hope and destroy the fear that once gloomed over the land. The games genre is RPG this is shown because your character can explore the entire world and take on multiple missions whilst on the hero journey this shows that it is a RPG because you play as a character that must complete tasks and missions and become the hero. the game is also a single player experience as the game is detailed too much to be multiplayer and also it hasn't detailed any aspect of it featuring multiplayer modes. Skyrim only demonstrated that it has one game mode which is single player and for a game that is so big and so detailed I wouldn't expect it to have anymore than that in the games engine. Also from what the elder scrolls series has done in the past it shows that the game will not have anything detailed through a multiplayer. the gameplay shows two different perspectives during the video, these two perspectives are first and third person. this is a very good idea for people playing the game as some people have difference preferences and like the game to be played how they are use to in other games, and from the look of the game it is very easy to change this perspective and is fluent when you need to change it between First and third.

Task 2


Task 3

this is the main menu that would be in my game they have different navigation to different and setting that are in my game. the thinking that was in this idea is that i thought that every game needs a good and well designed main menu instead of just 3 buttons where to are useless i designed it so that it would be easy to navigate and well designed for good and effective use.

this is when my character attack the Aberisk facility to destroy there machine which sustains there power. this level will detail the destruction of the Aberisks and show the struggle that the character has gone through to get to this point and the hard decisions he is going to make in this mission with regards to destroying or keeping the Aberisks at large.

this is the first mission from my game. in this mission the character will be learning the basic of all the things that he can do in his arsenal. also you will be finding out about the world and the enemy you are going to face.

this is one of the ending that you can get in my game. this ending details the city being destroyed by a nuclear bomb. this happens because the player chooses to pick the worst outcomes for you in the game and will ultimately give you an awful ending and a disappointing ending to the game. this is so the player will be encouraged to play again and get the better ending.

Task 4

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